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What Are the Different Types of HVAC Filters?

Every HVAC system has an air filter. This filter traps unwanted allergens and debris from the air in your home. Choose the right type of filter to improve the efficiency of your HVAC system. Let's take a look at some of the most popular types of filters that you can use for your system.

Fiberglass Filters

One of the most affordable types of filters for homeowners is fiberglass filters. These tend to be the cheapest filters on the market and for good reason. It will remove some pollutants and dust from your HVAC ductwork. This type of filter isn't recommended for those with allergies, pets, or children. The filter might not trap all the pollutants and could affect your health.

Pleated Filters

The most popular type of HVAC filter is a pleated filter. These are affordable and are effective filters. You get better protection from dust, pollutants, and allergens in your HVAC system. These types of filters use fabrics or cotton. They trap a most of allergens and dust. This makes them a great choice for any homeowner.

Washable Filters

Washable filters provide the same technology as pleated filters. The only difference is that you can wash these. These do come at a larger upfront cost. The good news is that the investment will pay itself back in no time. It's important that you be careful with this type of filter. If it's not dry before it's installed, then it could lead to bacteria buildup or mold growth.

HEPA Filters

If you have allergies, pets, or small kids, then we recommend using HEPA filters. These are the best high-efficiency filters that remove up to 99.97% of pollutants in your HVAC system. The US Department of Energy recommends this type of filter as well. This is because of its ability to remove allergens from your home.

UV Filters

This specific type of HVAC filter kills viruses and bacteria with ultraviolet light. These filters combine with other filter options. UV filters don't remove dust and other pollutants from your system.

Contact Us Today

If you need help picking out the right air filter for your HVAC system, give Robert Bair a call today. We can recommend the right filter based on your individual household needs. We'll even show you how to install the filter. That way you can replace it every three months. This helps to keep your indoor air quality as good as possible. We are here for all your HVAC questions or concerns.