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HVAC To-Do List for Spring 2021

Despite Spring being the milder of all four seasons, it can still get cold in early March and April. That's why having and using an HVAC unit is vital. It keeps your home comfortable throughout the day until the sun comes out for longer.

Before Spring, there are things you should do to prepare your HVAC unit for the season. We've provided a checklist to follow. This speeds up the process and makes sure that you don't miss important details.

Remove Dirt and Debris from the Coils Outdoors

Check the outdoor unit for dirt and debris. It can cause the HVAC unit to work harder than needed. Built-up dirt can prevent the coils from doing their job. A simple scrub with a soft bristle brush can improve the efficiency. A can of compressed air also helps remove caked-on grime.

Change the Air Filter Indoors

An air filter removes impurities to improve your indoor air quality. Over time, the filter becomes so dirty that it no longer works. Replace the air filter indoors to make it easier to have clean air enter your home. If you have pets or have allergies, you'll need to change the filter more often. That helps keeps allergens and pet dander at a much lower level.

Clean the Vents and Return Grills

Dust builds up on vents and return grills. This prevents the air from flowing around a room. It's an area of the home that you don't think about when cleaning. But, it does make a difference in the efficiency of the HVAC system. Dusting areas of the home that have vents, return grills, and grates will help. This makes it easier to reach the comfortable temperature.

Test the HVAC Unit to Make Sure That It's Working

Turn on the HVAC unit throughout the day to help find potential problems. If you notice it not getting to the temperature on the thermostat, contact an HVAC technician. You should also call an HVAC technician if you notice leaking or strange noises. If you notice a strong odor that doesn't go away, it could be an sign that something is wrong inside the unit.



Get the information that you need to keep your HVAC unit in excellent working order each season. Have our HVAC professionals service your unit. This makes sure that you'll have fewer issues with your system. Call us today to schedule a time to have your HVAC system looked at and prepared for Spring. We look forward to hearing from you.